Galilee Energy Limited provide an update on the 100% owned and operated Glenaras multi-well pilot programme ("Pilot") in the Galilee Basin ATP 2019. With the exception of G21 which tripped yesterday, all pumps have been back online continuously since the last workovers, with water production gradually restored to a peak rate of 19,300 BWPD in mid-December 2021. Water production prior to G21 shutting down was around 17,500 BWPD representing a 9% decline since the mid December peak. G21 shut down was due to a surface facilities issue, not downhole pump failure, and it should be back up and pumping next week. The reduction in water rates is associated with a reduction in reservoir pressure and the onset of modest
gas desorption, although this does not necessarily translate to simultaneous increased gas production which is often delayed, particularly in low rank coals, requiring sustained pressure reduction over time. The challenge going forward is to expedite this process in the most cost-effective manner.