Future Farm Technologies Inc. is excited to announce that it is entering the final planning stages for the construction and operation of a cannabis research and development facility in Carpinteria, California. The facility will be one of two locations for the jointly owned company that Future Farm is in the process of forming with Rahan Meristem. The build out consists of construction of the analytical lab, which will be the core function of the facility, the purchase of its equipment and the recruitment of researchers. Once work is completed in late March 2019, the team will commence research in areas such as cell culture, molecular genetics, analytical chemistry, phenomic analysis and computation. The team’s findings and ongoing research are expected to lead to the development of valuable elite cannabis strains for sale to large growers and to highly efficient tissue culture production so that the elite strains can effectively become commercialized. In addition to direct sales of elite cannabis strains, the new company will consider licensing the proprietary technology it is developing to sophisticated cannabis growers across the globe. The protocols developed will provide the software, services and processes that set the conditions for elite clone cultivation on a rapid scale to allow growers to realize the high profit margins possible.