Forcecon Technology Co., Ltd. board of directors resolved on the appointment of members of the sixth Remuneration Committee. Name of the previous position holder: Huang, Hsian-Fang; Chou, Rong-Hua; Resume of the previous position holder: Huang, Hsian-Fang/Independent director of Forcecon Technology Co., Ltd. Chou, Rong-Hua/Retired professfor of National Cheng Kung University. Name of the new position holder: Yang, Shi-Jin; Hsin-Fang.

Resume of the new position holder: Yang, Shi-Jin/Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University. Chung,Hsin-Fang/CPA, BO XING CPA Firm. Effective date of the new member: June 06, 2024.