(Constituted in the Republic of Singapore pursuant to a trust deed dated 19 October 2006 (as amended))



The Board of Directors (the "Board") of First REIT Management Limited, in its capacity as manager of First Real Estate Investment Trust ("First REIT", and as manager of First REIT, the "Manager"), refers to the Securities Investors Association (Singapore)-First REIT Virtual Dialogue Session ("Virtual Dialogue") held on 7 January 2021.

A recording of the Virtual Dialogue can be found at the following URL: https://www.first-reit.com/ir_egm.html.

The Manager would like to thank unitholders of First REIT ("Unitholders") for submitting their questions, please refer to Annex A attachedhereto for the list of substantial and relevant questions received from unitholders, and the Management and the Board's responses to these questions.

By Order of the Board

Tan Kok Mian Victor

Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer First REIT Management Limited

(Company registration no. 200607070D)

As Manager of First Real Estate Investment Trust

8 January 2021




For full details of the Proposed Transactions by First REIT, please refer to the Circular to Unitholders dated 28 December 2020. Capitalised terms used herein, unless otherwise defined, shall have the

meanings ascribed to them in the Circular dated 28 December 2020 (the "Circular") in relation to, among

others, the proposed restructuring of certain master leases of First REIT.



  1. Why don't you go after LPKR PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk ("LPKR") is facing significant liquidity and enforce the current plan? pressure and this is confirmed by the three rating agencies in
    Also, how can we be sure their most recent reports; the Covid-19 pandemic also played

LPKR will honour the

a significant role in worsening their financial condition.

restructured plan? If they

have unilaterally walked

If the terms of the existing LPKR master lease agreements

away from the obligation

("MLA") are enforced, there is a real risk and high probability

once, they can do it again.

that LPKR will default and there are severe consequences in

How are you protecting

such a scenario; these are listed as follows:

Unitholder interest?

First REIT will be faced with a loss of approximately 72.1%

of rental income represented by the LPKR MLAs that are

within the scope of the Proposed LPKR MLA


There will be lengthy, costly and cumbersome legal

disputes, during which, First REIT will be incurring

operating and capital expenditures with limited visibility on

the rental income stemming from the LPKR MLAs;

Consequently, friction costs will be incurred to identify a

new tenant for a large proportion of the Indonesian

portfolio. At the end of 2019, the Manager conducted a

similar process on a smaller scale without success. This is

a highly complex process as there are attributes unique to

the healthcare asset class, one of which being the

licencing and regulatory requirements of operating a

hospital in Indonesia. This will therefore be a difficult,

uncertain and lengthy leasing exercise to secure an

alternative tenant-cum-operator, that will be doubly

challenging to administer during the current Covid-19

pandemic; and

First REIT will breach its existing debt covenants.

The Board together with the Management took a proactive

approach as it was critical to move resolutely to renegotiate a

new plan to restructure all the MLAs with LPKR following

LPKR's unilateral announcement in June 2020.

Given that the Proposed LPKR MLA Restructuring constitutes

an interested party transaction, an independent board

committee (the "Independent Committee") comprising the

Independent Directors of the Board was set up and together

with our appointed advisors, negotiated and evaluated the

proposals from LPKR rigorously, with the intention of

protecting Unitholder interest.




Given the numerous meetings and length of time in which the

Independent Committee had worked to deliver a viable

restructured plan, the Independent Committee is confident that

LPKR has been sincere and professional in the negotiation

process and this new plan is sustainable for LPKR and in turn,

for First REIT.

2) Is there a bigger problem

The Covid-19 pandemic was not the sole challenge.

than just a Covid-19 induced

revenue decline in the

LPKR is facing severe liquidity pressure due to its significant


recurring expenses, weak operating cash flows and inability to

divest assets and generate sufficient sales from its

development projects.

For the purpose of illustration, LPKR has been generating

negative operating cash flows since 2015 with an aggregate

negative cash flow of approximately S$1.5 billion. The

situation is exacerbated by the depreciation of the Indonesian

Rupiah against the Singapore Dollar by approximately 45%

since the IPO of First REIT which adds further pressure to

LPKR as the rent payment under the existing MLAs are paid

in Singapore Dollars.

The Covid-19 pandemic further exacerbated the problem,

further weakening the operating performance of LPKR's

business and is likely to have implications through the medium


As at 9M2020, LPKR continues to have negative operating

cash flows.

3) Based on the revised base

The Proposed Base Rent is in the range of 40 to 45% of the

rent amount for Indonesia

hospitals' EBITDAR for LPKR and MPU, and is in line with the

($56.7m), how many % of the

percentage range of other healthcare REITs in ASEAN and

gross operating revenue

North America as observed by the Independent Valuer,

does this represent on a pro-

Cushman & Wakefield.

forma basis for FY 2019 and

1H 2020?

With reference to FY2019's figures, the Proposed Base Rent

in aggregate is in the range of 10 to 15% of the LPKR hospitals'

gross operating revenue.

4) What happens if you don't

Given the numerous meetings and length of time in which the

get Unitholder approval at

Independent Committee had worked to deliver a viable

the EGM. What is plan B?

restructured plan, the Independent Committee is confident that

this new plan is sustainable for LPKR and in turn, for First

REIT. The Proposed LPKR MLA Restructuring is the best plan

that the Independent Committee and Management have

negotiated with LPKR. There is no alternative plan at this


First REIT faces a significant refinancing wall and the

Proposed Rights Issue, together with the S$260 million

refinancing facility which was announced on 24 December

2020 is the most viable solution to meet upcoming repayment

obligations, in particular, S$196.6 million of debt which is

coming due in 1 March 2021.




Without Unitholders' support for both resolutions, there is a

real risk and high probability that LPKR may default on the

current MLAs.

Without the approval on Resolution 2, being the Proposed

Whitewash Resolution, the Manager will not be able to

proceed with the Rights Issue. The S$260 million Refinancing

Facility will also be at risk, since implementing the Rights Issue

is a condition of this facility.

Under these circumstances, First REIT will face an urgent

need to re-evaluate alternative funding sources or face

financial default.

5) Why don't you consider

The Manager has explored other funding sources including

asset divestment or

potential asset divestments; the Rights Issue is the only viable

liquidating the REIT? Isn't

option at this stage.

this better than dilutive

Rights Issue?

Asset divestment is not a viable alternative in the current

climate, having considered the practical difficulty of conducting

a sale process of First REIT's assets amidst the well-

publicised financial difficulty of First REIT, which will likely

result in a suboptimal price discovery process for First REIT's


Further, it is difficult for First REIT to sell hospital assets (land

and buildings only) to third party operators as the underlying

hospitals are already master-leased to LPKR and subleased

to Siloam. Hospitals are specialised properties that require

very strict local licensing procedures and regulations.

Additionally, in view of the Proposed LPKR MLA Restructuring

and MPU MLA Restructuring, any consideration to potential

asset divestments will be limited to First REIT's Singapore and

South Korean assets only. As at 31 December 2019, the

aggregate value of the Singapore and Korean assets held by

First REIT was valued at approximately S$42.6 million which

is significantly lower than the S$140.0 million repayment

requirement imposed by the lending banks.

6) Why such a steep discount

The Rights Issue size of S$158.2 million was determined

on your Rights Price? How

based primarily on the S$140.0 million repayment requirement

was the proposed rights

which is the difference between the S$400 million 2018

issue price of $0.20

Secured Loan Facilities and the S$260 million Refinancing

determined? Given that the

Facility announced on 24 December 2020. It is a condition of

NAV per share after the

the Refinancing Facility that First REIT undertakes an equity

rights issue is $0.36 per unit

fund raising exercise. This recapitalisation plan is necessary in

and unitholders are

order to meet the S$196.6 million repayment obligation on 1

complaining that this has

March 2021 and avoid a default.

caused the price to drop


To address the question on the indicative Rights Price, this is

a function of the size of funds required, the number of units

First REIT can issue based on its general mandate and the

discounts to the theoretical ex rights price ("TERP") based on

market precedents.


This is an excerpt of the original content. To continue reading it, access the original document here.


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First Real Estate Investment Trust published this content on 08 January 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 08 January 2021 11:27:06 UTC