First Mining Gold Corp. provided an update on the ongoing technical work at its Springpole Gold Project ("Springpole" or the "Project") located in Ontario. Since completing the Pre-Feasibility Study for Springpole (the "Springpole PFS") in January 2021, First Mining has been engaged in a number of significant technical programs to further optimize the development plan for Springpole and to further define the project scope for the Environmental Assessment ("EA") process and into the Feasibility Study ("FS") process.

These programs are ongoing and include Feasibility-level metallurgical test work, reviewing opportunities to reduce the project's greenhouse gas footprint ("GHG"), exploring renewable power generation opportunities, environmental data collection, and EA document preparation. The focus of the Feasibility-level metallurgical program is to confirm metallurgical information and the process design of the Springpole PFS and explore opportunities to enhance metal recoveries and reduce operating and capital costs for Springpole by testing advanced flotation technologies, including the Woodgrove Direct Flotation Reactor. The metallurgical testing in 2021 took 2.4 tonnes of metallurgical samples collected from 10 drill holes to form three production composites that underwent advanced metallurgical testing, as well as 10 variability composites.

The initial results support the test work and assumptions that were used in the Springpole PFS and warrant a more detailed analysis of simplifying the flotation flow sheet, compared to the Springpole PFS. Filtration test work is also underway to optimize the size of the filter plant that feeds the dry-stack tailings facility. There is a potential opportunity to reduce the size of the filter plant which may represent a potential decrease to the initial process plant capital cost, when compared to the Springpole PFS.

More detailed analysis will be completed during the FS. First Mining will release results from the metallurgical program when it is completed, which is expected to be in Second Quarter 2022. Following the completion of the Springpole PFS, First Mining completed an analysis of potential GHG emissions from the Project and determined that opportunities exist to reduce GHG emissions by reducing diesel consumption associated with the haul trucks with the addition of trolley assist in various areas of the mine.

Given that the Project is scoped to be tied to the power grid, First Mining commissioned AGP Consulting to study the impact and benefit of a number of electric haul assist technologies. More detailed analysis is warranted and will be carried out during the FS. First Mining commissioned SLR Consulting ("SLR") to complete an initial scoping study of the opportunities to incorporate renewable power generation into the project development plan at Springpole.

The Springpole area is endowed with potentially economic wind and solar resources, as well as a significant biomass opportunity which has been previously studied for the region. The SLR study concluded that wind and solar were both viable potential supplemental power sources for the Project that warrant further study. In furtherance of this, First Mining has commenced site-specific, investment grade data collection for wind resources and will explore opportunities with the local communities to better understand avenues for partnership in a potential renewable power development.

The 2021 environmental field work activities involved a comprehensive program to supplement the baseline data that had been collected over several previous years. The studies covered a broad range of disciplines across the biological, physical and human environments including air quality, noise, surface water, groundwater, geochemistry, aquatic biology, terrestrial vegetation and wildlife, archaeology, and cultural heritage. Two air quality monitoring stations near the Project site have been established to gather continuous samples, and noise levels were measured at two monitoring locations under "leaves-on" and "leaves-off" conditions.

Surface water studies included monthly surface water quality sampling at 25 locations, flow measurements at six locations, and lake level measurements at eight locations. Hydrogeological testing was conducted to improve the understanding of groundwater movement in the area and groundwater quality samples were collected at 11 monitoring wells. The geochemical characterization program included static and kinetic testing of mine rock and tailings as well as static testing of aggregate and overburden.

An aerial survey was undertaken early in the year to study Boreal Caribou and other ungulates and furbearers. Other key wildlife and habitat studies included bird and bat surveys as well as vegetation community and wetland mapping. Extensive aquatic studies were undertaken including fish community and habitat assessments, fish tissue sampling, as well as plankton and benthic invertebrate studies.

A Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment for the mine site area and cultural heritage information gathering and evaluation were also completed in 2021. The information collected will inform the EA and First Mining will continue to collect data on the existing environment in 2022 to support future permitting.