David Roff agreed to acquire 71.34% stake in CityXpress.com Corp. (OTCPK:CYXP) from Phil Dubois, Ken Bradley, Vasile Orhei, Roger Kong and Michael Togyi on February 7, 2011. Under the terms of the deal, 61.684182 million shares of CityXpress.com will be acquired. The deal also involve the resignation of the current Directors and Officers and the appointment of David Roff as the sole Director and the sole Officer holding the positions of President, Chief Executive Office, Chief Financial Officer, Secretary and Chief Operating Officer. The deal is subject to the British Columbia Securities Commission. David Roff cancelled the acquisition of 71.34% stake in CityXpress.com Corp. (OTCPK:CYXP) from Phil Dubois, Ken Bradley, Vasile Orhei, Roger Kong and Michael Togyi on February 7, 2012.