Feintool International Holding / Feintool Group: report on 1st quarter 2009/10: Positive quarterly result for Feintool processed and transmitted by Hugin AS. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

The Feintool Group can report positive development in its business during the
first quarter of its financial year (1 October-31 December 2009): compared to
the equivalent period a year ago, order intake* rose 32% to CHF 92.0 m. Orders
in hand were about 31% lower than 12 months previously at CHF 115.8 m, but the
year-ago figure was an unusually high one and the order book did in fact grow by
CHF 5.7 m between the end of the financial year (30 Sep. 2009) and the end of
the first quarter. Group sales for the quarter came to CHF 83.4 m, which is
about 23% less than a year previously. After four quarters of losses - some of
which were considerable - the technology group broke even again in terms of

Since Feintool was able to lower its cost base significantly in the past year,
the group posted a positive operating (EBIT) figure again for the three months
to 31 Dec. 2009 - even though sales showed a year-on-year drop of 23% to CHF
83.4 m. The delayed market recovery is reflected by the sales of the individual
segments: the fall-off in sales of series-manufactured parts was much less
pronounced than that for the investment goods business (Fineblanking Technology
and Automation segments).

Gratifying order situation
The trend in order intake was particularly gratifying: at Group level, it
increased by 32% to CHF 92.0 m year-on-year. Not only did the intake of orders
for investment goods improve, notably in Asia, but new orders for
series-manufactured parts doubled.

Despite the perceptible recovery in the market, orders in hand totalled CHF
115.8 m, or 31% less than the still-high figure from a year ago. Here, too, the
timing of the impact on series-manufactured parts has been conspicuously
different from the investment goods segments: while the former experienced a
rebound in the reporting period, the latter segments have still been suffering
from the poor investment climate. Overall, however, orders in hand were CHF 5.7
m higher than at the end of the financial year.

Guardedly optimistic outlook
Given  that sales  of investment  goods have  not yet  bottomed out and that the
market  is  still  characterized  by  nervousness  and  short-term fluctuations,
Feintool  expects the  next few  months to  bring a  slight decline in sales and
EBIT. Series-manufactured parts will continue to exhibit an encouraging trend in
the second quarter of 2009/10. For the whole of financial year 2009/10, Feintool
is forecasting sales of CHF 340-350 m and a balanced operating result.

*) All figures relate to Feintool Group excluding the Plastic/Metal Components

Key financial figures in brief

|Swiss francs (CHF)                            |Change|31.12.2009|31.12.2008|
|                                              |      |          |          |
|                                              |  in %|  in CHF m|  in CHF m|
|Sales                                         |      |          |          |
|- Fineblanking Technology Segment             | -44.5|      14.2|      25.5|
|- System Parts Segment                        |  -5.8|      51.0|      54.1|
|- Automation Segment                          | -36.9|      20.0|      31.8|
|Total (excl. Plastic/Metal Components Segment)| -23.1|      83.4|     108.4|
|- Plastic/Metal Components Segment            | -12.5|       8.6|       9.8|
|Total Feintool Group, consolidated            | -22.2|      92.0|     118.2|
|Order intake                                  |      |          |          |
|- Fineblanking Technology Segment             | -20.1|      15.5|      17.3|
|- System Parts Segment                        | 108.9|      60.4|      28.9|
|- Automation Segment                          | -31.2|      16.1|      23.4|
|Total (excl. Plastic/Metal Components Segment)| -32.2|      92.0|      69.6|
|- Plastic/Metal Components Segment            |-121.0|      -1.0|       4.9|
|Total Feintool Group, consolidated            |  22.1|      91.0|      74.5|
|Orders in hand                                |      |          |          |
|- Fineblanking Technology Segment             | -64.0|      18.1|      50.1|
|- System Parts Segment                        |   4.1|      76.2|      73.2|
|- Automation Segment                          | -51.7|      21.6|     44.7 |
|Total (excl. Plastic/Metal Components Segment)| -31.1|     115.8|     168.0|
|- Plastic/Metal Components Segment            | -88.1|       1.2|       9.7|
|Total Feintool Group, consolidated            | -34.1|     117.0|     177.6|

For further information, please feel free to contact our media spokesperson
Karin Labhart at 032 387 51 63 orkarin.labhart@feintool.com

Feintool International Holding AG
Industriering 8, CH-3250 Lyss
Phone +41 (0)32 387 51 11
Fax +41 (0)32 387 57 81
www.feintool.com <http://www.feintool.com/>

The media release can be downloaded from the following link:


 --- End of Message --- 

Feintool International Holding
Industriering 8 Lyss Schweiz

WKN: 905428;ISIN: CH0009320091 ;

    Media release (PDF): http://hugin.info/100443/R/1377012/338136.pdf