A Delegation Led by Wuxi Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Visited Far East to Research and Survey

On January 22, Ding Xuchu, Secretary to Wuxi Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Hong Ya, Deputy Director and other leaders came to Far East to visit and research, accompanied by Zhang Xilan, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Far East Holding Group, Zhou Dongjiao, Chief Executive Officer, Hao Hairui, Administrative Directorof Far East Real Estate, Liu Zhigang, Deputy Director of the group's human resources department, Gu Jiakai, Deputy Director of the human resources department, Far East Cable, Yin Guichun, Deputy Director of the human resources department,S&P Pharmaceutical,Bao Xuefeng, Assistant Director of the human resources department, S&P Pharmaceutical, and Wang Cunzhu, Assistant Director of General Manager Word Department of Far East Real Estate and so on.

Visiting the International Wire and CableExperienceMuseum

The delegation first visited the International Wire and CableExperienceMuseum, SportsCenter and Far EastCollege. Subsequently, both sides had an informal discussion; Zhang Xilan informed the delegation about the "five businesses", "five-element marketing" and other business profiles of Far East, and focused on the current strategic adjustments of Far East. She noted, Far East Holding Group is moving from the model of development "main business + investment" to the reorientation of "global investment management expert" and Far East Cable is changing to "a global specialist in energy efficiency management".

Symposium field

During human resources reporting, Zhou Dongjiaoreported the success in human resource development of Far East to the visiting leaders, and focused on the important role of the "six sons passing the imperial examination" and "six-force principles" pioneered by Far East in the construction of human resources.

In conclusion, Ding Xuchu gave a high evaluation on the innovation development of Far East, particularly with regard to the construction of human resources for the enterprise.

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