The board of directors of Fantasia Holdings Group Co., Limited announced that Mr. Zhou Jinquan has resigned as executive director of the Company with effect from 17 January 2017 in order to allow him to devote more of his time on his role as the chief executive officer of Shenzhen Qianhui Fantasia Financial Community Group Company Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. Mr. Zhou has confirmed to the Company that he has no disagreements with the Board and there is no matter relating to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company. The Board announced the appointment of Mr. Deng Bo as executive director of the Company from 17 January 2017. Mr. Deng Bo (Mr. Deng), aged 48, joined the Company in April 2010. He is appointed as the executive director of the Company on 17 January 2017. Mr. Deng currently serves as the assistant chief executive of Fantasia Group (China) Company Limited, a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of the Company, and is responsible for the strategy management department, information department, mass data center, Leed Home Company.