Eson Precision Ind. Co., Ltd. announced changes to Audit Committee. Name of the previous position holder: Lin, Chih-Chung, Kao, Chih-Chien, Lee, Chien-Ming.

Resume of the previous position holder: Lin, Chih-Chung Hosting Lawyer of AY Commercial Law Offices CPA of Ancheng Certified Public Accountants. Name of the new position holder: Jang, Woan-Shiuan, Kao, Chih-Chien, Lee, Chien-Ming. Resume of the new position holder: Jang, Woan-Shiuan Managing Attorney of Yuantuo Law Offices.

Kao, Chih-Chien CPA of Ding Shuo Certified Public Accountants. Lee, Chien-Ming Retirement. Reason for the change:Term expired.

Effective date of the new appointment is June 19, 2024. Original term is from July 7, 2021 to July 6, 2024.