ENRG Elements Limited announce that it has made a strategic decision to further refine its focus on the Company's Niger Uranium and Botswana Copper-Silver Projects. With ENRG's Elements first drilling program completed at the Agadez Uranium Project in September 2022 1 and following receipt of diamond core assay results expected in Fourth Quarter CY2022, it is anticipated of the JORC Resource will be upgraded shortly thereafter. The Company aims to create further shareholder value through ongoing exploration of Agadez, as global demand for nuclear fuels continues to rapidly increase.

In August 2022, the Company commenced an airborne electromagnetic and gravity survey across the Kara Dome assets at the Ghanzi West Copper-Silver Project in the Kalahari Copper Belt of Botswana 2, located along strike from Sandfire Resources' copper assets (Motheo and A4) and in 1F the same region as Cobre's recent copper discovery. The results from these surveys are currently being interpreted and are expected to be announced in the coming weeks. With these significant developments across the Company's African projects, the Board of ENRG Elements has made the decision to focus its resources and capital on further advancing these assets with the aim of building additional shareholder value.

As a result, the Company advises that it has provided notice to Murchison Copper Mines Pty Ltd. ("MCM"), a subsidiary of Horseshoe Metals Limited to withdraw from the Farm-in andJoint Venture Agreement with MCM and Kopore (WA) Pty Ltd. In accordance with the terms of the Farm-in and Joint Venture Agreement entered into on 25 January 2021, the Company provided the required 30 days advance notice of withdrawal, resulting in an effective withdrawal date of 30 November 2022.