PARIS, Feb 2 (Reuters) - Leaders of French care homes company Orpea - at the centre of allegations of mistreatment - were at times cynical when mentioning the suffering of elderly people during a meeting on Tuesday, said government minister Brigitte Bourguignon.

"If people leave the ship, fleeing their responsibilities, and taking some money out, that is serious, " Bourguignon told LCI TV on Wednesday, referring to reports from the Canard Enchaine magazine saying Orpea's former CEO had sold all his shares just before Le Monde published last week extracts of a book accusing Orpea.

The French government said on Tuesday it will launch a wide-ranging investigation into Orpea, which has repeatedly denied malpractice allegations, and also review rules for the whole sector.

Orpea has denied charges made against it in that book. (Reporting by Benoit Van Overstraeten; Editing by Sudip Kar-Gupta)