electroCore, LLC announced that it has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for an expanded label for gammaCore® (nVNS) as an acute treatment of pain associated with migraine in adult patients. gammaCore therapy is a proprietary, non-invasive neuromodulation treatment delivered by a hand-held unit that stimulates the vagus nerve through the skin. This label expansion is the first for electroCore since gammaCore received its initial FDA clearance for the acute treatment of pain associated with episodic cluster headache in adult patients in April 2017. The FDA clearance of gammaCore for the acute treatment of pain associated with migraine was principally supported by the results of the multicenter, randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial, PRESTO (PRospectivE Study of nVNS for the Acute Treatment Of Migraine). Results from this trial, which were recently profiled at the Congress of the International Headache Society (IHC) in Vancouver in September 2017, demonstrated that treatment with gammaCore for the acute treatment of pain associated with migraine was superior to sham, and also enabled patients to reach pain freedom more frequently by 30, 60, and 120 minutes compared with sham treatment. The results further showed that a significantly higher proportion of gammaCore-treated patients achieved pain relief within two hours compared with the control treatment. Consistent with all prior studies with gammaCore, the therapy was found to be well tolerated by patients. gammaCore is also available outside of the U.S., including in Canada and the European Economic Area. In the U.S., gammaCore is commercially available for the acute treatment of pain associated with episodic cluster headache in adults. electroCore expects commercial availability of gammaCore for the acute treatment of pain associated with migraine headache in adults in the second quarter of 2018.