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(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China)


Reference is made to the announcement dated 20 November 2014 issued by Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited* (the "Company") in respect to the passing of resolution in relation to the repurchase and cancellation of granted but not yet unlocked restrictive shares of held by former incentive participants.
The board of directors (the "Directors") of the Company (the "Board") would like to announce that the Company had purchased a total of 390,000 of its own restricted A shares of RMB1.00 each (the "Restricted A Shares") in the capital of the Company on 15 December 2014 on Shenzhen Stock Exchange at the price of approximately RMB 12.91 per A Share (the "Repurchase"). The aggregate purchase price paid for the Repurchase was approximately RMB5,036,200. The Restricted A Shares under the Repurchase represented approximately 0.11% of the total capital of the Company immediately prior to the Repurchase. The Restricted A Shares under the Repurchase has already been cancelled as at the date of this announcement.
Subsequent to the repurchase and cancellation of the Restricted A Shares under the Repurchase, the total capital of the Company has been reduced from 347,346,841 shares to 346,956,841 shares and the registered capital of the Company has been reduced from RMB347,346,841 to RMB346,956,841.
For details, please refer to the "Announcement on the completion of repurchase and cancellation of portion of restrictive shares" published on the Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Securities Daily and the Cninfo website at www.cninfo.com.cn on 18
December 2014.
Shenzhen, the PRC, 17 December 2014
By order of the Board

Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited * Zhang Wei Yang


As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises three executive Directors, being Mr. Zhang Wei Yang, Mr. Chen Shu Sheng and Mr. Li Yong Peng; two non-executive Directors, being Mr. Feng Tao and Ms. Sun Ji Ping; and three independent non-executive Directors, being Mr. Wong Hin Wing, Mr. Qu Jiu Hui and Mr. Wang Ji De.

* For identification purpose only


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