The Arlington County Board has approved a partnership with Dominion Energy Virginia to purchase power from a solar farm in southern Virginia. The project goes beyond the County's adopted Community Energy Plan goal of having at least 50% of electricity for County operations come from renewable sources by 2022. The facility is expected to generate about 79,000 megawatt-hours of electricity per year for Arlington County's government operations. That is more than 80% of the electricity used annually for all County buildings, streetlights, traffic signals, water pumping and wastewater treatment. Arlington County is the first locality in the Commonwealth to enter into a power purchase agreement of this scale for off-site solar energy with an investor-owned utility company. The agreement will not require any capital funding or upfront costs from the County. The solar farm will generate electricity that Dominion sells into the wholesale electric grid at market rates. The price for the delivered energy and renewable attributes will be the difference between the wholesale power price and the contract fixed price.