Sandbox Banking announced its partnership with Docusign. At the core of this partnership is the integration of Docusign Maestro, an automated agreement workflow tool, with Sandbox Banking's integration platform offering, Glyue?, to provide financial institutions with a seamless flow of data between the banking core system during the agreement process. Glyue?

is now available in the Docusign App Center, enabling financial institutions to streamline their operations with automated account maintenance workflows initiated through form data. Glyue? facilitates composable data orchestration, ensuring seamless interoperability with prominent financial services applications?initially launching and enhancing agreement workflow capability with leading banking core systems Fiserv and Jack Henry.

Initially, customers will experience improved account maintenance workflows. These enhancements will include submitting forms for actions such as initiating or stopping loan auto payments and updating customer account details (e.g., address or PIN changes). Additionally, agreements will be prepopulated based on core data from the banking system.

Key Benefits of the Integration: Work Smarter and Faster: Boost efficiency with custom workflows designed to match financial business processes?no code required. Enhance Visibility: Automatically log customer account detail updates in the banking core system and populate agreements with existing core data. Reduce Costs: Minimize costly standalone integration projects by seamlessly extending workflow capabilities across the tech stack, and eliminate the need for manual data re-entry.

With Glyue?, financial institutions can integrate and manage their data flows efficiently, optimizing their existing technology infrastructure by leveraging this powerful integration between Docusign and Glyue?. The integration with Docusign Maestro allows teams to standardize steps that work with existing agreement workflows, ensuring information flows easily and securely.