FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The problems at Postbank are likely to be a central topic at Deutsche Bank's Annual General Meeting this Thursday (10:00 a.m.). Both Supervisory Board Chairman Alexander Wynaendts and Group CEO Christian Sewing emphasized in their speeches published in advance that the bank had not lived up to its quality standards in this case and had disappointed customers. It is clear that the bank has "more work" ahead of it to "further improve its customer service", Sewing said. The shareholders' meeting will once again not be held in person.

The transfer of Postbank's customer business to Deutsche Bank's computer systems last year did not function smoothly. At times, customers were unable to access their accounts, mortgage loans were delayed and people with seizure protection accounts were temporarily unable to access urgently needed money. As the problems became more frequent, the financial supervisory authority Bafin sent a special commissioner. Another burden for Deutsche Bank was recently added by a billion-euro provision for a possible court defeat in the dispute with former Postbank shareholders./ben/DP/men