Musai Capital Ltd made an offer to acquire 82.56% stake in DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft (XTRA:LOUD) from Galaxy Group Investments LLC and others for €50.1 million on January 11, 2021. The transaction will be settled in cash. Under the terms of the consideration, Musai has offered €3.07 per DEAG share currently, the final price will be published by Musai in the offer document after confirmation by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. As of January 19, 2021 the offer price was determined to be €3.09 per DEAG share. The parties to the shareholders' agreement, which in total hold approximately 47% of the DEAG Shares, will not accept the planned offer for their DEAG shares. It is intended to retain the DEAG's legal form as a stock corporation to continue the listing of the corporate bond 2018/2023 (WKN: A2NBF2 / ISIN: DE000A2NBF25) on the open market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The management team of DEAG will be retained and all existing contracts with employees, service providers and artists shall remain in full force and effect. The offer will not be subject to any closing conditions. The offer is expected to close on March 22, 2021. The additional acceptance period will end on April 8, 2021.