Davicom Semiconductor, Inc. announced that name of the functional committees: Audit Committee. Name and resume of the previous position holder: Ueng, Chang-Yue: CFO of Sonavox Electronnic Co. Ltd. Hwang, Jen-Jyh: Adjunct Assosiate Professor of National Sun-Yatsen University Wei, Niang-Shou: Director of Production and Operation Center of ShangHai Fanfeng Vacuum Machinery Co.

Ltd. Name and resume of the new position holder: Ueng, Chang-Yue: Financial Manager of Kwo Ger Metal Technology Inc. Hwang, Jen-Jyh:Adjunct Assosiate Professor of National Sun-Yatsen University, and Independent Director of JG Environmental Technology Co. Ltd. Wei, Niang-Shou: Independent Director of Davicom Semiconductor Inc. Reason for the change: Re-election due to the director's term expired. Effective date of the new member is June 29, 2022.