The Board of Directors of Da Ming International Holdings Limited announced that in order to enhance the corporate governance practices of the company and to comply with the code provision A.2.1 of the Corporate Governance Code as set out in Appendix 14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("Listing Rules") that the roles of the chairman and the chief executive should be separate and should not be performed by the same individual, Mr. Zhou Keming has resigned as the chief executive officer of the Company and Mr. Jiang Changhong ("Mr. Jiang"), being an executive director of the company, has been appointed as the chief executive officer of the company with effect from 18 April 2018. After Mr. Zhou's resignation as the chief executive officer of the Company, Mr. Zhou remains as the chairman of the Board and an executive director of the Company. The Board also announced that with effect from 18 April 2018, each of Ms. Xu Xia, being an executive director of the company and Mr. Zou Xiaoping ("Mr. Zou"), being an executive director of the Company and a member of each of the nomination committee and remuneration committee of the Company has been appointed as a vice-chairman of the Board.

The Board further announced that with effect from 18 April 2018, Mr. Tang Zhonghai has resigned as an executive director of the company to devote more time to technical research and Mr. Lu Ping has been appointed as an executive director of the Company.