Commtouch Software Ltd. announced the launch of Commtouch's private label Email Security SaaS. The launch marks an important milestone in Commtouch's strategy to provide service providers and security vendors with the ability to rapidly bring innovative cloud-based Security as a Service offerings to market alongside their other offerings and under their own brands. Providing easy and efficient access to the growing market segment, Commtouch Email Security SaaS combines premium protection against email-based threats such as spam, phishing and malware, with maximum cost-efficiency and minimum time to market.

Commtouch Email Security SaaS is designed to enable Commtouch partners to rebrand the solution and sell it through their channel partners or directly. The new cloud-enabled platform delivers market-leading detection at a competitive price point, streamlines resource utilization, and delivers stronger Quality of Service (QoS) - all of which increase customer satisfaction, reduce churn, and help grow market share and revenue. For end customers, Commtouch Email Security SaaS provides easy to implement access to strong protection against all types of email-based threats - making it easy for organizations to have world-class protection without the need to hire a team of security professionals.

As a result, organizations receive world-class protection, improved productivity, and reduced operational costs while also enjoying a decrease in the load on their infrastructure. Commtouch Email Security SaaS is based on Commtouch's market-leading and patented malware detection capabilities and newly added technologies that protect thousands of service providers and other organizations worldwide, including multinational corporations such as BMW, SAP and ThyssenKrupp. The new service is: Easy to implement - Allows service providers and vendors easy access to the SaaS market and their end customers to implement high-level email security with minimum effort.

Offering maximum protection - World-class spam and malware detection coupled with an unmatched near-zero false positive rate. Built to stop spam and malware - Spam, phishing and malware emails are filtered and rejected in the cloud, providing additional protection and optimizing partners' internal email resource usage. Designed specifically for partners - Architected for rapid deployment in almost any existing email infrastructure and virtually any type of selling model.