­ Codebase Ventures Inc. update Arcology's previously announced news of its improved version of CryptoKitties. CryptoKitties is the most popular game on the Ethereum blockchain, but its initial success caused network slowdowns and inflated transaction fees. Arcology's version of CryptoKitties, created as an internal benchmarking tool, outperforms the original by a factor of 1,000 to one. During their most recent benchmarking tests, Zhang and his team documented their application's performance. Two videos have been posted to the YouTube link on the Arcology website, https://arcology.network. In one video, Zhang's team demonstrates how the Arcology testnet handles token transfer transactions, which are commonly seen in applications like online payments and DeFi (decentralized finance). The network reached a top transactions per second ("TPS") of more than 40,000. In the other video, the Arcology team simulates approximately nine months of CryptoKitties gameplay by generating 2.5 million transactions running on 32 Ethereum Virtual Machines, or EVMs. During the test, the application's one-minute moving average TPS reached a maximum TPS of 28,571.