CVR Medical Corp. announced the signing of an official Memorandum of Understanding with the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) of the Republic of South Korea. The Understanding states the mutual interest and intended collaboration on new business opportunities as part of CVR's global market expansion and the South Korean government's initiative to revitalize its bio-medical device industry. The Memorandum, signed at the turn of Y2018, signals growing confidence and anticipation for CVR's launch of the "Carotid Stenotic Scan (CSS)" device, a non-invasive, non-emitting detector of carotid artery stenosis. Through its partnership with the SMG, CVR will be positioned to take advantage of a vast, growing Asian-Pacific market while leveraging Seoul's financial, administrative, and R&D capacities. As a company with patents on novel technologies and an approaching shift into sales and marketing on the global stage, CVR brings to Seoul a wealth of opportunity to share in this process and its subsequent adaptations with South Korean bio-venture firms, hospitals and universities.