On August 31, 2023, Tarsadia Investments LLC announced that it has sent a open letter to Cue Health Inc, stating that the Company has failed to adapt to a rapidly changing post-COVID reality, Tarsadia attempted to engage with the Board on numerous occasions about its concerns over the Company?s declining cash balance and the continued destruction of stockholder value. In addition, Tarsadia Investments recommended the board to conduct a strategic review of management?s standalone long-term business plan and the capital required to execute upon that plan, review the Company?s flawed approach to capital allocation and realign its unsustainable cost structure, the Company must appoint independent stockholder representatives to the Board who can contribute a sense of urgency and fresh perspective to Board deliberations. Further, Tarsadia Investments submitted to the Board a Section 220 demand request to inspect the Company?s books and records to 1) investigate potential breaches of fiduciary duty and/or other wrongdoing related to mismanagement and 2) test the propriety of the Company?s public disclosures.