Crystal Peak Minerals Inc. announced the results of a Feasibility Study for the production of Sulfate of Potash (SOP) from its Sevier Playa Sulfate of Potash Project located in southwestern Utah. The FS was prepared by Novopro Inc. (Novopro), Norwest Corporation (Norwest), and CH2M HILL Engineers Inc. (CH2M). The FS included significant changes implemented by Novopro in the coupling of the solar evaporation ponds and the process plant, resulting in a major increase in the utilization of natural evaporation and the elimination of an energy-intensive forced evaporation circuit. Improvements to the processing circuit were also introduced that transformed waste sulfate into SOP through the addition of muriate of potash (MOP) resulting in a significant contribution to plant output and positively impacting project economics. All dollar amounts reported in this release are US dollars and figures are rounded. The FS forecasts average annual SOP production over the 30-year life of the Project of approximately 298,000 metric tonnes (t) with an estimated Net Present Value of $730 million and an estimated Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 21% (after tax, inflated). The financial model outputs indicate a strong project that is commercially viable and delivers robust Project metrics. The FS includes a proven and probable produced mineral reserve of 6.171 million tonnes (Mt) of potassium sulfate. Produced reserves include reductions due to evaporation pond and processing losses and are net of all recovery factors. The total capital costs of the Project, including contingency, risk, and inflation, are estimated to be $412 million. Initial capital costs in the economic model are inflated by 1.27% annually beginning in year 2019. Contingency is 9.0% of the total project capital cost. The capital cost estimate has an accuracy of +/-15%. The total uninflated average cash operating costs, including risk and contingency, are estimated to be $222/t. Operating expenditures vary during the life of mine (LoM); therefore, an expenditure model was developed to capture these variations in the financial model. All operating costs in the economic model are inflated by 2% annually beginning in 2019 and include costs for reagents and consumables such as the purchase of MOP for reaction with excess sulfate in the playa brine for additional SOP production. The operating cost estimate has an accuracy of +/-10%.