Credicorp Ltd.'s Board of Directors, in its session held on January 25, 2012, agreed to create the Remuneration and Compensation Committee whose main responsibilities, among others, will be: to define the remuneration, compensation and other benefits policies that should be applied in all Credicorp's subsidiaries; to delineate the remuneration and compensation policies of the main executives of Credicorp and its subsidiaries; and to outline the compensation policy of the Board of Directors of all Credicorp's subsidiaries. Credicorp's subsidiaries should be aligned to such policies. The committee will be composed by Mr. Dionisio Romero P. (Chairman of the Board of Directors), Mr. Raimundo Morales (Vice- Chairman of the Board of Directors), Mr. Reynaldo Llosa Barber (member of the Board of Directors) and Mr. Walter Bayly (Chief Operating Officer).