CPL Resources plc reported unaudited consolidated earnings results for the six months ended December 31, 2016. For the period, the company reported revenue of EUR 228,717,000 against EUR 216,364,000 a year ago. Operating profit was EUR 8,088,000 against EUR 7,565,000 a year ago. Profit before tax was EUR 8,096,000 against EUR 7,571,000 a year ago. Profit for the period was EUR 7,044,000 against EUR 6,587,000 a year ago. Profit attributable to owners of the parent was EUR 7,024,000 against EUR 6,482,000 a year ago. Basic and diluted earnings per share were 23.0 cents against 21.2 cents a year ago. Net cash provided by operations activities was EUR 4,289,000 against EUR 3,570,000 a year ago. Purchase of property, plant and equipment were EUR 313,000 against EUR 307,000 a year ago. Purchase of intangible assets was EUR 63,000 against EUR 132,000 a year ago.

The company expects to deliver continued profitable growth for the remainder of the financial year.