Lifestyle Delivery Systems Inc. announced that it has begun outlining the protocols for clinical trails of its patent pending CannaStrips formula. LDS' Chief Medical Officer, John Sanderson MD, having over 30 years of clinical research, clinical trial coordination and analysis experience, will oversee the protocols and operational aspects of the trials. The trials will be conducted in Canada with the specific goal of substantiating the efficacy of the CannaStrip delivery system. The Company intends to submit the results of the clinical trials for consideration to Canadian health officials as an alternative delivery method for medicinal marijuana in Canada. The clinical trials' primary focus will be on three specific aspects of the delivery system. First, the time required from application onto the buccal membrane to the introduction of active ingredients into the blood stream. Second, the volume or percentage of active ingredients delivered into the blood stream and the length of time that those ingredients become bioavailable in the blood stream to the patient. Third, to determine the extent to which the ingredients can be directed to specific areas of the body and brain. The patent pending CannaStrips formula is unlike any other delivery method currently available. The current market has lookalike strips that in truth are simple sheeted material that act more like edibles and have little if any sublingual delivery capabilities. CannaStrips nano-engineered technology addresses the challenge of efficient transport of therapeutic molecules, including cannabis-derived bioactives, across the oral mucous barrier for systemic delivery into the bloodstream. Low viscosity pores or temporary channels are created which foster the rapid transfer of cannabis nanoparticles from the buccal surface into the circulation. Each particle is coated with a nano-envelope which chaperones its cargo to target tissues within the body. The net effect is improved bioavailability as well as enhanced efficacy.