Copper Mountain Mining Corporation announced that the company has resumed production after the December 27, 2022 ransomware attack. Throughout this downtime, which resulted from the attack on its IT systems, the Company has been shipping copper concentrate to the Port of Vancouver from mine inventory and has maintained its planned shipping schedule. On January 1, the Company resumed operations of the primary crusher at its Copper Mountain Mine and shortly thereafter, the Company resumed operations at the mill, which was preventatively shutdown following the attack.

On January 4, the mill was at full production and the operation is currently being stabilized as the remaining business systems are fully restored. Throughout the outage, all environmental management systems at the Copper Mountain Mine were operational, and there were no environmental incidents or injuries to personnel. The Company's external and internal IT teams, along with external cybersecurity experts, are continuing to actively establish additional safeguards to mitigate any further risks to the Company.

The Company's primary objective remains to return to full business functionality in a safe and secure manner.