Controladora Comercial Mexicana SAB de C reaches a strategic entry point and keeps a considerable potential.

The business displays a considerable growth potential, as shown by Thomson Reuters, sales as well as earnings are expected to increase in the upcoming years.

From a technical viewpoint, the trend is neutral in the short term. The security is fluctuate in a wide trading range between MXN 45.91 and MXN 52.3. The latest downtrend pushed the security upon contact with the lower limit of this channel, that represents an important level on both daily and weekly data. This support threshold is likely to allow a significant technical rebound.

Traders should open a long position within the current area. In the first instance, the target price will can be fixed around the MXN 50 pivot point. In case of breakdown of the MXN 45.91 support at the closing price, investors should close their positions.