FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) - Capped targets for sales and annual operating profit sent Compugroup shares plummeting on Tuesday. The shares of the software company for the healthcare industry fell by 18.5 percent to 19.45 euros at the end of the SDax in the afternoon. This was their lowest level since the end of 2014.

The company presented preliminary figures and also announced that revenue growth in 2024 is now likely to reach the previous year's level at best. Previously, growth of between 4% and 6% had been forecast. Due to the updated revenue forecast and higher investments, particularly in the areas of artificial intelligence and data-based and patient-centric solutions, Compugroup also lowered its forecast for adjusted operating profit (EBITDA). An adjusted operating result of 220 to 250 million euros is now expected for 2024, compared to 270 to 310 million euros previously./ck/men