Microsoft Word - 20151112 Nota aprobacion Oferta EN

Titán, 13 28045 Madrid

Telephone +34 91 774 6387

Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos

The CNMV authorises the delisting ta its own shares eover bid of CLH for

The Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) authorised on 12 November the delisting takeover bid submitted by CLH for the shares that are listed on the stock exchange, which was approved by the General Shareholders' Meeting held in June.

The takeover bid targets all the Company shares traded on the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia stock exchanges, that is, 90,000 Class A shares and 1,689,049 Class D shares, which represent 2.54% of CLH's share capital. Of these shares, 90,000 Class A shares and

1,090,259 Class

D shares have been


and therefore the takeover bid effectively

targets 598,790 Class D shares, which represent 0.85% of CLH's share capital, distributed among minority shareholders.


price of the takeover bid is 46.39 euros per share, which will

be paid o

t to those

shareholders that decide to accept

the bid. The shares will cease

to be listed once the

transaction has been settled, as sell‐out and squeeze‐out rights do not apply to this bid.

Madrid, 12 November 2015
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