Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. disclosed on December 31, 2016 the commissioning and the start up of the processing plant from the Tambomayo project located in the district of Tapay, province of Caylloma (Arequipa) in Peru. Following the immediate ramp-up of the Tambomayo plant, the company obtained the first doré bar on 30 December 2016. The metallurgical process at the Tambomayo plant consists of primary crushing, grinding and cyanidation in tanks that will be processed on a Merrill-Crowe plant. The precipitate will be dried and smelted obtaining doré-bars (gold and silver). The tailings of the cyanidation process will enter into a flotation process to obtain lead and zinc concentrates. At the project, the resources is estimated at 2.6m MT, 700k Au Oz and 22.9m Ag Oz; the plant capacity is 1,500 MTD; the total CAPEX is USD 362 million; the construction time of the mine and plant are 36 months; the estimated annual production is 140,000 - 160,000 Au ounces, 3.3m - 3.8m Ag ounces; as well as estimated commercial operation date is from March 2017 - April 2017.