Microsoft Word - Announcement - poll results of EGM at 17 April 2015.doc

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China Fire Safety Enterprise Group Limited


(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)


The Board is pleased to announce that the Ordinary Resolution was duly passed by the Independent
Shareholders by way of poll at the EGM held on 17 April 2015.
Reference is made to (i) the joint announcement of China Fire Safety Enterprise Group Limited
(the "Company") and China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Ltd. dated 27 February
2015; and (ii) the circular of the Company dated 27 March 2015 (the "Circular") in relation to the disposal of entire equity interest in Loyal Asset Investments Limited. Capitalised terms used herein have the same meanings as defined in the Circular unless otherwise specified.


The Board is pleased to announce that the ordinary resolution (the "Ordinary Resolution") set out in the notice of the EGM contained in the Circular was duly passed by the Independent Shareholders by way of poll at the EGM held on 17 April 2015.
As at the date of the EGM, the total issued share capital of the Company was 2,855,000,000 Shares. The Ziegler Vendor, Mr. Jiang Xiong, Mr. Jiang Qing, their respective associates and parties acting in concert with any of them and those who are involved in or interested in the Disposal would abstain, and had abstained, from voting in respect of the Ordinary Resolution at the EGM. As at the date of the EGM, (i) the Ziegler Vendor and parties acting in concert with it did not hold any Shares; and (ii) Mr. Jiang Xiong and Mr. Jiang Qing were interested in 981,600,000 Shares and
7,500,000 Shares, representing approximately 34.38% and 0.26% of the existing issued share
capital of the Company respectively. Accordingly, the total number of Shares entitling the


Independent Shareholders to attend and vote for or against the Ordinary Resolution proposed at the EGM was 1,865,900,000 Shares. There were no Shares entitling the Independent Shareholders to attend and abstain from voting in favour of the Ordinary Resolution at the EGM as set out in Rule
13.40 of the Listing Rules.
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, the branch share registrar of the Company in Hong Kong, was appointed as the scrutineer for the purpose of the vote-taking at the EGM.
The voting results in respect of the Ordinary Resolution are as follows:

Ordinary Resolution Note

Number of votes cast and percentage

of total number of votes cast

Total number of votes cast



Total number of votes cast

To approve, confirm and ratify the Disposal Agreement (as defined in the circular of the Company dated 27

March 2015) and the transactions

contemplated thereunder.

795,627,700 (100.00%)

0 (0.00%)



The full text of the Ordinary Resolution appears in the notice of the EGM dated 27 March 2015.

As more than 50% of the votes were cast in favour of the Ordinary Resolution, the Ordinary
Resolution was duly passed.
Hong Kong, 17 April 2015
By order of the Board

China Fire Safety Enterprise Group Limited

Li Ching Wah

Company Secretary

As at the date of this announcement, the Company's Executive Directors are Mr. Jiang Xiong, Mr. Jiang Qing, Mr. Wang De Feng, Ms. Weng Xiu Xia and Mr. Hu Yong; and the Independent

Non-Executive Directors are Dr. Loke Yu, Mr. Heng Ja Wei and Ms. Sun Guo Li.


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