Chorus Limited reported operating results for the second quarter of 2020. During the period total fixed line connections declined by 12,000 to 1,432,000 (Q1 FY20: -6,000; Second Quarter FY19: -21,000). Copper voice line reductions moderated in Second Quarter (Q2 -12,000; First Quarter -16,000) while seasonal factors (e.g. holidays and student disconnections) meant reduced broadband growth in Chorus UFB areas. Total broadband connections stable at 1,206,000 (Q1 FY20: +10,000; Second Quarter FY19: -4,000) another strong quarter for fibre demand, with 36,000 connections added. 1Gbps connections now 13% of mass market fibre connections, at 87,000 connections (Q1: 69,000). UFB uptake rose from 55% to 56%, with the UFB1 rollout now complete and a further 52,000 customers able to connect to fibre across the UFB1 and 2 footprint. UFB2 uptake already at 34%. Monthly average data usage for December grew to 293GB, up from 279GB in September. Copper broadband usage grew to 200GB vs 363GB for fibre users.