China NT Pharma Group Company Limited and its subsidiaries announced that the phase II clinical trial application for myelodysplastic syndromes ("MDS"), a new indication for Xi Di Ke, a national class 1 new drug, has recently been approved by the State Food and Drug Administration of China. Xi De Ke is the commercial name of an uroacitides injection of which the intellectual property rights including patents, know-how and trademarks are owned by the Group. Xi Di Ke, which has already been launched and sold in the market, is currently used for the adjuvant therapy of terminal stage non-small cell lung cancer and breast cancer patients.

Currently, it is one of the few drugs approved for clinical research and treatment for MDS patients. MDS is a malignant myeloid clonal hemopathy characterized by decreased peripheral blood cells with ineffective myeloid production of various stages. Approximately one third of patients will develop acute myeloid leukemia after several months or years.

At present it is globally considered as an incurable disease. According to industry estimate, the incidence of MDS in mainland China has reached three in every 100,000 of population, and the average onset age of Chinese patients is around ten years younger than that of patients in western countries.