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The announcement is made pursuant to Rule 13.09 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and Inside Information Provisions under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571).

The board of directors (the "board") of China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited* (the "Company") announces that, according to the Company's preliminary statistics, the power generation of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") for December 2012 on consolidated basis amounted to 2,941,915MWh, representing an increase of 25.63% compared with the corresponding period of 2011. In particular, the wind power generation registered an increase of 34.78%, the coal power generation registered an increase of 10.98% and other renewable energy power generation registered an increase of 217.26%. As at 31 December 2012, the total power generation of the Group for 2012 amounted to 28,638,280MWh, representing an increase of 13.32% compared with the corresponding period of 2011. In particular, the wind power generation registered an increase of 25.95%, the coal power generation registered a decrease of 4.40%, and other renewable energy power generation registered an increase of 246.13%.

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Details of the power generation of the Group for December 2012 are set out as follows

(unit: MWh):

business segments and regional distribution Power generation for december 2012 Power generation for december 2011 Year-on-year percentage change for december Total power generation from January to december of 2012 Total power generation from January to december of 2011 Year-on-year percentage change for total annual power generation

(MWh) (MWh) (%) (MWh) (MWh) (%)

Wind power business 1,783,748 1,323,492 34.78 16,819,914 13,354,616 25.95

Among others: Heilongjiang 221,205 216,662 2.10 1,807,916 1,793,371 0.81
Jilin 40,481 41,171 -1.68 450,815 521,688 -13.59
Liaoning 71,957 76,242 -5.62 1,317,548 1,421,392 -7.31
Inner Mongolia 361,626 284,554 27.09 3,792,876 2,655,498 42.83
Jiangsu 187,265 107,110 74.83 1,612,700 1,014,041 59.04
Zhejiang 27,815 30,671 -9.31 253,326 193,755 30.75
Fujian 144,835 148,957 -2.77 1,122,493 1,084,178 3.53
Hainan 21,295 28,778 -26.00 153,505 178,865 -14.18
Gansu 137,226 88,096 55.77 1,497,555 1,519,632 -1.45
Xinjiang 102,822 84,598 21.54 1,314,149 957,872 37.19
Hebei 223,418 151,474 47.50 1,820,414 1,459,931 24.69
Yunnan 62,495 18,010 247.00 402,514 226,133 78.00
Anhui 53,973 30,910 74.61 439,314 249,496 76.08
Shandong 6,055 7,836 -22.73 82,236 49,181 67.21
Tianjin 16,954 8,424 101.26 196,070 29,583 562.78
Shanxi 51,759 - - 334,191 - - Ningxia 22,281 - - 98,500 - - Guizhou 30,288 - - 123,792 - -

Coal power business 1,114,826 1,004,498 10.98 11,231,655 11,748,697 -4.40 Other renewable power business 43,341 13,661 217.26 586,712 169,507 246.13 Total 2,941,915 2,341,651 25.63 28,638,280 25,272,821 13.32

Note: Certain figures included in this announcement have been subject to rounding adjustments, or have been rounded to two decimal places. Any discrepancies between the total shown and the sum of the amounts listed are due to rounding.

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By order of the Board

China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited* Xie Changjun

Executive Director

Beijing, the PRC, 7 January 2013

As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. Xie Changjun and Mr. Huang Qun; the non-executive directors are Mr. Zhu Yongpeng, Mr. Wang Baole, Mr. Chen Bin and Mr. Luan Baoxing; and the independent non-executive directors are Mr. Lv Congmin, Mr. Zhang Songyi and Mr. Meng Yan.

* For identification purpose only

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