ChenGuang Biotech Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300138) agreed to acquire Handan Development Zone Jinnuo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. from Zhou Yinjun for CNY 0.1 million on December 25, 2018. ChenGuang Biotech Group Co., Ltd. intends to sign the agreement. Under the terms, payment will be done in one single installment within 10 days at the moment of signing of the corresponding agreement. Handan Development Zone Jinnuo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will use own funds of CNY 0.1 million to acquire the stake. Handan Development Zone Jinnuo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. reported total assets of CNY 0.35 million and owners’ equity of CNY 0.01 million. The transaction is approved by Board of Directors of ChenGuang Biotech Group Co., Ltd. The transaction is not subject to approval from the shareholders’ meeting. ChenGuang Biotech Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300138) completed the acquisition of Handan Development Zone Jinnuo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. from Zhou Yinjun on January 9, 2019.