Caverion Corporation announced that Thomas Hietto has been appointed as the head of business unit services. He has previously worked at KONE Corporation in various positions for about 20 years, half of which in managerial positions in Asia. He has also acted as the Managing Director of KONE Finland and Baltics and been responsible for the global maintenance business at KONE. Jarno Hacklin has been appointed as the head of business unit Projects. He has acted in this position on an interim basis since June 2016 while also acting as Executive Vice President & CEO, Division Finland. Ville Tamminen has been appointed as the head of Division Finland. Ville Tamminen has acted as Vice President, Sales and Business Development in Caverion Finland since 2011 responsible for business development, sales, marketing and communications. Before that he has acted in various positions in sales and governance in Caverion Finland since 2007. Thomas Hietto, Jarno Hacklin and Ville Tamminen report to Ari Lehtoranta, President and CEO of Caverion Group and are also members of the Group Management Board. Anne Viitala has been appointed as the head of new Group function Legal & Governance. Ms. Viitala has previously worked at Pöyry PLC for more than 20 years, most recently as Executive Vice President, Legal and Communications & Group General Counsel. The head of the group level functions report to Ari Lehtoranta, President and CEO of Caverion Group and are also members of the Group Management Board. The appointments will take effect as of January 9, 2017 apart from the appointment of Thomas Hietto. He will start in his position on July 1, 2017. The business unit services will be headed by Matti Malmberg until June 30, 2017.