CASSINA IXC. Ltd. (JASDAQ:2777) signed a basic agreement to acquire LmD Co., Ltd. from LmD International Co., Ltd. on June 23, 2014. CASSINA IXC. Ltd. is acquiring 8000 shares of LmD Co., Ltd. For the period ending December 2013, LmD Co., Ltd reported total assets of ¥1.34 billion, net assets of ¥43 million, sales of ¥2.5 billion, operating loss of ¥202 million and net loss of ¥196 million. Conclusion of share transfer contract is expected in late August 2014. The deal is expected to close in September 1, 2014.

CASSINA IXC. Ltd. (JASDAQ:2777) completed the acquisition of LmD Co., Ltd. from LmD International Co., Ltd. for approximately ¥270 million on August 21, 2014. CASSINA paid ¥1 for common shares and cash claims of ¥270 million. As of September 1, 2014, LmD Co., Ltd.'s name will change to Conran Shop Japan Co., Ltd. Yoji Takahashi will become the Representative Director and Chairman of Conran Shop. Yasuhiro Mori will become the Representative Director and President of Conran Shop. Yojiro Goto and Yosuke Kobayashi will become the Directors and Eiichiro Inada and Iwao Sawaguri will become the Auditors of Conran Shop.