The board of directors of Capital VC Limited announced that Ms. Lai Fun Yin ("Ms. Lai") has been appointed as an independent non-executive Director and a member of each of the nomination committee, remuneration committee and audit committee of the Board with effect from 27 June 2017. Ms. Lai, aged 33, has 6 years solid sales and marketing experience in travel industry. Ms. Lai has entered into a service contract as an independent non-executive Director with the Company and she is not appointed for a fixed term but will be subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at general meeting of the Company in accordance with the Company's articles of association. The Board announced that Mr. Lam Kwan has resigned as an independent non-executive Director and ceased to be a member of each of Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee, and the chairman and a member of Audit Committee with effect from 30 June 2017. Following the cessation of Mr. Lam as the chairman and a member of Audit Committee, Mr. Lee Ming Gin, an independent non-executive Director and a member of Audit Committee, has been appointed as the chairman of Audit Committee with effect from 30 June 2017.