The Shareholders’ Meeting of Capgemini SE, held on May 20, 2021, approved Tanja Rueckert, President of the Board of Management of Bosch Building Technologies, has been appointed to the Board of Directors for a four-year term. Tanja Rueckert, a German national, brings to the Board solid experience in the software sector as an executive leading business units of international groups and expertise in several fields including the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and digital transformation. The Board has indicated that it considers Tanja Rueckert to be an independent director in accordance with the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code to which the Company refers; Kurt Sievers, President & Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of NXP Semiconductors N.V., has been appointed to the Board of Directors for a four-year term. Kurt Sievers, a German national, brings to the Board management experience in a leading international group in the semiconductor sector, at the heart of the Intelligent Industry’s development, his expertise in the automobile sector, technology and artificial intelligence, and his knowledge of North America and American corporate governance. The Board has indicated that it considers Kurt Sievers to be an independent director in accordance with the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code to which the Company refers; Patrick Pouyanné, an independent director, was also renewed for a four-year term. The Board of Directors meeting at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting decided to appoint Mr. Frédéric Oudéa as Lead Independent Director and President of the Ethics & Governance Committee to replace Mr. Pierre Pringuet, whose term of office expired at the close of the Shareholders' Meeting. Mr. Frédéric Oudéa was also appointed Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors to replace Mr. Daniel Bernard, whose term of office expired at the close of the Shareholders’ Meeting.