Calgro M3 Holdings Limited provided earnings guidance for the year ended 29 February 2016. For the year, the company expects headline earnings per share to be between 128.00 cents per share and 149.94 cents per share compared to 109.69 cents per share reported in the previous corresponding period. This equates to an increase of between 16.69% and 36.69%.

Earnings per share is expected to be between cents 141.31 cents per share and 164.24 cents compared to 114.65 cents per share as reported in the previous corresponding period. This equates to an increase of between 23.25% and 43.25%. The differences in HEPS and EPS is due to a fair value adjustment that originated from the buyout of the minority shareholders (30%) in the Fleurhof project, as was announced on SENS on 26 February 2016.