LM-22-271 was steepened below LM-22-270 and intersected 0.06% cobalt over 21.0m, including 7.50m of 0.11% cobalt, and including 3.0m of 0.2% cobalt. Additional drilling is needed around these holes to further test the extents of the newly discovered cobalt mineralization in this area. LM-22-272 failed to reach depth after intercepting historic underground mine workings.

The drill was relocated 30m north to move away from the workings and LM-22-273 and LM-22-274 were both drilled from this location. All three holes were planned as >250m northern step-outs from the historic Shaft 6 underground workings where significant silver and cobalt mineralization had been mined and where limited data had previously existed. Both holes were drilled from the west and were unsuccessful in intercepting mineralization returning no significant assays.

LM-22-275 was drilled 75m north of LM-22-274 and drilled from the east intercepting 17.32m of 0.01% cobalt. Drill holes LM-22-276 to LM-22-281 were planned as a series of step-out holes targeting previously identified high-grade nickel and silver mineralization east of the Shaft 6 mine workings. All six holes were drilled towards the east, targeting the lower contact of the diabase sill with the underlying Archean volcanics and Coleman Member sediments, a favorable horizon for the localization of mineralized veins.

LM-22-276 and 277 were drilled from the same location and hole 276 intercepted 16m of 0.04% cobalt, including 4.20m of 0.11% cobalt. LM-22-277 was drilled below 276 and intercepted 5.0m of 87 g/t silver including 1.0m of 309 g/t silver between 120.0 and 125.0m. From 134.06 to 237.0m, assays returned 0.12% nickel over 102.94m, including 1.80m of 0.33% nickel and 0.05% cobalt.

LM-22-278 and 279 were drilled from the same location 50m south of LM-22-277. LM-22-278 intersected broad anomalous nickel and cobalt but returned no significant assay results. LM-22-279 was drilled below hole 278 and intersected 134.0m of 0.12% nickel between 163.0 and 297.0m depth, including 1.5m of 0.16% nickel, 0.02% cobalt and 49 g/t silver.

LM-22-280 and 281 were drilled from the same location 45m south of LM-22-279 and achieved greater results compared to the previous step-out holes to the north. LM-22-280 intercepted 3.0m of 0.11% nickel and 494 g/t silver between 246.0 and 249.0m within a broader zone of lower grade mineralization as at depth intersected 6.0m of 0.17% cobalt between 283.50 and 289.50m. LM-22-281 was drilled below hole 280 and assayed 0.1% nickel, 0.03% Co and 424 g/t silver over 1.50m between 174.50 and 176.0m.

M-22-282 was drilled at an azimuth of 83 degrees with a dip of -48 degrees and was planned as a deeper hole targeting a north-south trending conductivity anomaly. The hole intersected diabase and Coleman Member sediments before intercepting the anomaly where the hole transitioned into the Archean mafic volcanics at 291.0m. The hole was drilled to a final depth of 501.0m and assayed 0.12% nickel over 13.50m between 403.50 and 417.0m.

LM-22-283 was drilled to test an aeromagnetic anomaly as well as the southern extension of high-grade nickel and silver mineralization previously identified around the historic Shaft 6 workings. The hole was drilled due east at a -45 degree dip and intersected 100m of diabase sill above Coleman Formation conglomerate. High-grade silver-cobalt mineralization assaying up to 7910 g/t Ag and 0.39% Co was intercepted between 172 and 173m depth, approximately 10m below the contact between the two units.

Drill hole LM-22-284 was drilled 80m south of LM-22-283 but no significant assays were received. Additional follow-up drilling is needed to determine the extents and orientations of the mineralized structure. Drill holes LM-22-285 to 288 were drilled farther west on the property around the historic Shaft 3 and planned to target cobalt mineralization previously identified by drilling in 2021.

Holes 285 and 286 were drilled from the same location and hole 285 was cancelled after intercepting historic mine workings and therefore no significant assays were received. LM-22-286 intercepted 13.50m of 32.0 g/t silver including 1.5m of 227 g/t silver and was ended short to avoid mine workings. Drill holes LM-22-287 and 288 were relocated further southwest and achieved better results as the holes reached greater depths.

LM-22-287 had no significant assays while LM-22-288 intercepted 84.0m of 0.02% cobalt, including 1.0m of 0.11% cobalt. LM-22-288 ended in elevated cobalt due to timing constraints at the end of the season. Overall, the results from the 2022 drilling campaign were successful in identifying new zones of cobalt, nickel and silver mineralization at the Langis property and further drilling is required to test the extents and potential of these zones.

Additionally, a total of 78 targets across 8 anomalous zones were identified from the 2022 Alpha Induced Polarization survey with 50 high priority targets that remain to be tested with drilling.