Amplify Games, a wholly owned subsidiary of BlockchainK2 Corp. announced that Se7enSins is joining the Amplify Alliance and will be part of the first gaming sites to launch on the Amplify store-front. Se7enSins is a community of over 1 million avid gamers and is excited to partner with Amplify Games to bring a digital games store to their site that will give their members an opportunity to buy the games they love while at the same time supporting the Se7enSins community. Se7enSins will receive a portion of every sale made on their white-labeled Amplify storefront, greatly increasing their potential revenue from their site. This makes it an ideal partnership be-tween Se7enSin and Amplify Games, as their 1 million + members already purchase games on other websites and now with this partnership those members will have the opportunity to buy games in the same place where they are talking about those games as well as support the site they frequent every day.