BlackRock Frontiers Investment Trust plc announced earnings results for the year ended September 30, 2016. For the year, the company reported total revenue of $15,625,000, net profit before finance costs and taxation of $25,386,000, net profit on ordinary activities before taxation of $24,003,000, profit for the year of $23,168,000 or 14.66 cents per share, net asset value per share of 168.19 cents, and net cash inflow from operating activities before financing activities of $8,333,000 compared to the total revenue of $12,876,000, net loss before finance costs and taxation of $53,196,000, net loss on ordinary activities before taxation of $53,203,000, loss for the year of $54,097,000 or 35.92 cents per share, net asset value per share of 160.93 cents, and net cash inflow from operating activities before financing activities of $233,000 for the previous year.