Bendigo Telco Limited reported consolidated financial results for the half year ended Dec. 31, 2017. For the half year, revenue was AUD 16,731,721 against AUD 14,954,193 for the last year. Profit before income tax was AUD 775,793 against AUD 414,719 for the last year. Net profit for the period was AUD 517,080 against AUD 297,865 for the last year. Total comprehensive income attributable to members of the company was AUD 517,080 against AUD 297,865 for the last year. Diluted earnings per share was 6.68 cents against 4.21 cents for the last year. Net cash provided by operating activities was AUD 1,645,573 against AUD 663,205 for the last year. Purchase of intangible assets was AUD 209,293 against AUD 285,741 for the last year. Purchase of property, plant and equipment was AUD 355,563 against AUD 390,170 for the last year.