A total of 221 million euros in capital is being covered, according to a statement from the Green-led Federal Ministry of Economics in Berlin on Wednesday. Since the Russian attack on Ukraine at the end of February 2022, investment guarantees have been added for three new projects - from the seed, building materials production and solar industry sectors. In addition, there are currently 21 applications that would secure a capital volume of 48 million euros. Other companies are also interested, for example from the energy production, agriculture and logistics sectors.

Federal Minister of Economics and Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck was in Ukraine on Monday and Tuesday. He emphasized that German companies could receive a state investment guarantee if they became involved in Ukraine now. The aim is to start rebuilding the country at an early stage. Normally there are no such investment guarantees for war zones, but now there are. If factories were destroyed by missile attacks, the German state would be liable for the investment sums.

Habeck was accompanied on the surprise visit by a business delegation consisting of seven people - with representatives from the industry associations BDI, Ostausschuss and DIHK, the development bank KfW and the companies Bayer, Fixit and 50Hertz.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs also announced that the state had assumed cover for exports to Ukraine worth 144.2 million euros in 2022. This includes cover for grain exports by rail as well as deliveries of crop protection products and seeds. Applications have also been received from the construction industry and hospital equipment manufacturers.

(Report by Christian Krämer; Edited by Hans Busemann; If you have any questions, please contact our editorial team at berlin.newsroom@thomsonreuters.com (for politics and the economy) or frankfurt.newsroom@thomsonreuters.com (for companies and markets)).