Bavarian Nordic A/S announced an extended commitment to help fight the current mpox outbreak in Africa. The Company?s MVA-BN vaccine, the only FDA and EMA-approved mpox vaccine, which served as an important tool during the 2022-2023 mpox outbreak, could soon also become available in the DR Congo (DRC) and other countries in Africa. Mpox is on the rise in African countries with increasing incidence of the more severe clade I. So far in 2024, more than 9,000 mpox cases and over 400 deaths have been reported across seven African countries of which the vast majority (96%) having occurred in the DRC1.

Earlier this week, the regulatory authorities in the DRC, ACOREP (Autorité Congolaise de Réglementation Pharmaceutique), issued an Emergency Use Authorization allowing for the use of the MVA-BN vaccine for individuals at risk of mpox. Locally, in the DRC, clinical studies are also planned to support a full regulatory approval of the MVA-BN vaccine, as recently announced by Bavarian Nordic. To further strengthen the response in the DRC and throughout the African region, Bavarian Nordic will collaborate with global health partners, including WHO, UNICEF and Gavi.

Bavarian Nordic applauds Gavi?s Board decision to approve a new Vaccine Investment Strategy which includes the establishment of a global mpox vaccine stockpile. In the near term, Bavarian Nordic is committed to work in partnership with Gavi, WHO and UNICEF to coordinate dose donations in response to the ongoing outbreak in the DRC and other African countries.