17-Jan-2013 16 48 UNIFIRM L TD 0035725001588 1/5

Fax cover sheet

Date: January 17, 2013

To: Market Announcements Office, Australian Stock Exchange

Copy: Baso Resourcos Limited

Fax: +61 2 9778 0999

From: Aterra Investments Ltd.

Phone/Fax: Te!: +357-25555000/ Fax: +357 25555001

Notlce: The lnfonnatlon transmltted fs lntended only ror the person or entlty to whlch lt fs addr$&S$d and may contaln confidentlal andlor prlvlleged materlal. Any review, retransmlosion, dlssemlnatlon or other use or, or taklng or any aotlon In rellanoe upon, thls lnformatlon by persone or entltles other than the lntended reolplent fs prohlblted. Ilyou recelva thisln errar, please contact the sender and dastroy the fax or delete the materia! from any computer.

Subject: Attached p1ea.se find Porm 604- Notlce of change of interests of substantia1 holder with respect to Aterra lnvestments Ltd's acquisition ofshares ofBase Resources Limited, as filed today, January 17, 2013.

Pages: 5 (incl. this page)

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Form 604

corporatlons Act 01

Stc on G71B

Notlce of ehange of inter.ests of substantlal holder

I2 Company Namt/Scheme BanResources UmHtd (EIS!i) ACN/ARSN 12015 6910

1. Delallo ofoubolllnllolholdor(1)

Nome 1. Ate1111lnvestmonle Umlled

2, Sungraoo lnvootmonts Lld

3. AI•""Y Mo«

ACNIAR$N (W applloabl$) N/A

'l"h&rtl WO$ n ohon;nln lhn Intero !$ of tho

substanllalholder on

The p"'vlous noUea wos glllen to tho company on

Tht prtvlous oUce was dotod




2. Provlous 1ncl proantvctlng pOWer

The tot;tt numbar olvot•• attachod lo ali tho vollng shareoln the company or votlng lnterests In tht oeheme that the substarW$1 holdor or en aNooloto (2) had a

mlev&nt lntereat (3) In When laat requlred' and when now "'qulrad'lo gllle a aubatenUalholding notlce to the compeny or sehemo ar& •• follows• Prevloua notlce PI'*HntnotiOiit

Class. or sooulitl•s (4) Vollng pi>YE!r (8) (boood Vollng power (6)

Pereon'e votes on 45M40,029 sh•nt• Perscn•e vote&

on l$$V l

(baiiGd on


oh!iU'Illlll on IJiue)

Onllnary &han & 26.129,425 6.67% 30,711,971 MDII

PartiCllars or •••h change In, or ehange In the nature or,a llliohhe company or

$cheme, &Ince the substantlal holdtr was last requlred lo glve e substarWal holding noUce to tht oompony or schema a"' ufollowt•



17-Jan-2013 16 48 UNIFIRM L TD 0035725001588 3/5

1. Aterra lnveatmenta on markt shart

Llmlted purchaae by Aterra cash • A$0.3322 per share Ordlnary shares- 376,ODO
2611112012 2. eungrobo lnvestmens
lnvostmon"Ltd Llm

3. Aloxoy Morduhov

1. Aterra lmléotmens On morko!Ohara
2. Llmled purehaee by Atel!'l o Ordlnary sharts-
Sungrebl Invntmens lnvostmons ld Llm

3. Alexey Mordashov

1' At1rra tnvestmtns on morkotohoro
Llmlted purchaseDy Atarra CashA. S0.2906 per share 1osrdlnary ahares- 183,03-4
2. Sungrobo lnvestmonts


lnveotmont• Ltd LI

3. Alexoy Mordashov

1. Aerra lnveatmenll on markohharo

Llmlted purchafe by Aterra Cooh.A$0.2990 per &here
2. Sungrebe lnveall'rlerita
lnvHtm•nts ltd Llmhed
Ordlnary shares-

3. Alexey Mordashov

1. Aterra lnvestmenta On morkot oha11ii O!!llnory 111oreo-

2. LSlumnlgleredbe

plnuvrocshtamseenbsy Aterra Cash • A$0.2806 per shore 100.000
lnvo•trn•nto Ltd Llmttod

3, Alexey Mordeahov

1. Aterra lnvestmenla on motloo.ooo
2. ls.lumnlgtoredbe
plnuvrecahtmo"e"nblyll Aterra Cash.A$0.2726 ptlrt ere 100.000
lnveotmento Ltd Llmttod

3, Alaxey Mordashov

1. Aterra lnve•tm• l• On morkot çharo

Ltmfted purcnase by Atarra Cesh • A$0.2700 perahare Ordlnary sheres- 47,5114
2. Sungliilbe lnvostmtmls


lnvelitmenta Ltd

3. Alo>eey Mordosho1/

1. Aterru lnveolmenta on mark1t sha1111

2. Llmhed purch•s• by Aterra CashA. $0.2700 per shore Ordlnory ohoreo- 100.000
Sungrebo tnvestments
lnv011ments Ltd

3. AltX11Y Mornashov

1. Aterta 1nvestmenll
Llm od r,urchue by Aterra Cosh.A$0.2700 pershare Ordlnary lh•"''- 500,000
07/1212012 2. Sung-.be nveslmenfa
1nv01tmento Lld

3. Alexey Mornaeho

1. Atorre lnveetmontG On morkeUhllte
2, 1mneo purohae by Ate rra Cash • A$0.2700 por ahe
Ordlnary sha M- 44.222
sungrebe lnvestments
3. Alexey Mornesh011 LlmKod
re 44,222

1. Aterra lnvestments on markot thore Ornlnary aharea - LImneo purcheaeby Atarre c h • A$0.2698 per shsre 57,370

Sunorebl lnveslment11
lnvtitmtnto Ltd Llmlted

3. Alexey Mordeshov

1. Aterra lnve:atmcmts on market !:hare Ordlnary aheres ...


2. LSlumntgteredbe

plnuvrch.tamsoonbtoy Atarro Cosh.A$0.2633 perahere
lnveatmoniO Um ed

3. AleX1!y Mordashov

1. Al rro lnv olmonl• onmarketshere Orcllnaryshamo- 100.000

2. SLlumnlgleradb.o
plnuvercsthm•e"nbtys Atorr• cash.A$0.2700 porsha-. 100,000
lnvsstmonts Ltd Llmited
3. Alexey Mordashov
17-Jan-2013 16 48 UNIFIRM L TD 0035725001588 4/5


Nama and ACNIARSN (if applloable)

N$IU!«or •uoo!Atlon

Sungrebe lnvestments Ltd

100% sharoholdor of Atorro lnveotments Llmlt4td

AleMey Mordeahov

Conlrol obl oth Sungrebo lnvrstmvlil$ Ltd and Aterra lnvestman1Llmlted

17-Jan-2013 16 48 UNJFIRM L TD 0035725001588 5/5


pt!nt namo G!"J!.i• l(al!(oUn

.,.."""' "" '


oopoclty D!niOior

diii 1711l1/13




The pemn'Vi Oies dMdtd b)' lhlllolll volet In thll body COfll(lllllo orod"ollrno mullfpllld by 10il

(0! lndUd$911111 o!;

(a] onhliBWnt AOI'Illlfllentar oth ci1W!1W!Ma booàllH ol..tlklllhe dlo >Q In rolaYI!nt Jntomt . 11••-lon 6118() opplto&, o oopy olony doc:unlllll solffog out lho '"""' any rolovllllt asre< rnonlnd a slalemvnl by tllt pereon gMng !UU ond occurato dtlolls o!ony OOilUaot, ICI!omt or atrangomenl, mtl!ll or:compeny 111• k>nn, IOQIII>Ilr Wllh • W!fllon Nletnonl conl(ylng tn1• oonlnlcl. sc:lwmaar orrlingomont, and

(b) any quoii!CIItlon oflho -ora penK n to en,.., tilmlrQilhe e:ce-al, or lnftuence !ho mrolle or, !ho vouno _,.. or di""""l otlhe

seculltle• tol'o!ilcl1he reiiiV!Inl lntefllst llllaln 0ndÒ'all1111 l;lo111Y lhe partlculll"1141quatffie Uon oppllon).

Sft !ho deflniUon or 'relellanlll!l-.lli'll'In lédlon a ot!ho corponttloris Acl2001.




Delilllloflhe oonslderallolt mt.lll irlcllldo any ond ollllenellt&, monoy and othor, hlany person rivm whom •rvkl118ntlnlllriot wn aoqulred hii, or moy, boQolne enlilrtd (o re<>el'lò In ntlollon lo l het aoqui$Jtlon, Oolal,_ m wl be inciUdod """"W th• bmollt Il oondlllona!Oil !ho /lopponlne or nO!!l!o oooUngency, Peliilim111l Pe iiM:fiJdod 1>11 eny bomrlll al011 MNIH tiU!o fUbel8mial hok!or or llluaOOialo In 10lllllon lo In• oçqufirtlooo, ovon H lhey Pnl noi pàld dii'IQty IO lhlll"l'i t'mm wl1oM lho reléVilnt fl11•1'e1!1WM ucqull'l(f,

lllhol!lbGienllal holder la ll!lllblo lo dete mrn.lholdtnlity ollho Il"(eg, Hlho Wilrvlnt llllemll arfon bocouee ohn optlon) Wltte •unmown••,

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